Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pam's Linen Closet

Two month's ago, Steph gave me a box of stuff that had been cleaned out of Pam's linen closet. Since we had just bought the cabin in Maine, Steph thought maybe we could use some of the stuff. A couple of days ago, I went through the box. I needed to determine how may sheets I need to buy for our 13 (!) beds in Maine. The box contained mostly bottom sheets, a pretty yellow table cloth and a plastic shower curtain with an outdoor theme(think woods and bears). You could clearly tell the sheets that were Chris and Nick's. Blue/green stripes.Very boyish. The other ones were bright yellow, blue floral, a rose pattern, bright green plaid etc. Very colorful. I called Steph to ask why there were no top sheets and she said that they did not use top sheets. She said Pam bought whatever color sheets she could find and I'm sure what ever color appealed to her that day.
I started thinking about when I was kid and our top and bottom sheets never matched and they were also very colorful. My mother, religiously, changed the sheets in our house every week. The bottom sheet was washed and the top sheet became the bottom sheet and you got a new pillow case. As my mother had 4 kids, she didn't care if anything matched and it never did. It wasn't until I started going to friends houses did I realize that sheets came in sets and they were supposed to match. So now, with my a anal personality, I use only same color sheets, so everything will always match! I need to lighten up!

Any way, I am bringing most of the Pammie sheets up to Maine. I plan to use the bear shower curtain in the bathroom and the yellow table cloth will definitely find a nice home. It is like bringing some "Pammieness" to the cabin.

Aunt Eileen

1 comment:

So Smrt said...

The bear curtain will be great! We'll figure out some other ways to bring her personality there, I'm sure.