Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Singing in the car

I just figured out how to play my IPOD thru my car stereo (yes, I am slow with technology). I have had to drive to Brooklyn a few times in the past few days, so I have had a lot of time to listen to music. On my IPOD is, of course, The Sound of Music soundtrack (no laughing). As I was singing out loud to Do-Re-Me and the Lonely Goatherd, I swear I could feel Pam sitting next to me and singing along! Seriously, I felt like if I reached over, I could touch her! Some things will always bring Pam's spirit right to me. How nice that it is music and it made me smile.
Love you Miss Pammy!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Pam!

Happy Birthday Pam!

May your birthday party menu in heaven consist of nothing but coffee loaded with sugar, ice cream sodas and Milano cookies!

xoxoxo always.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My Birthday

Today is my birthday. I will never stop missing and wishing for that Happy Birthday call from Pam.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

'Care Packages" for Nick

I am reminded that when Eddie was about 10 years old, he was going to his first sleepaway camp. He was leaving on Monday morning, coming home on Friday night and then going back on the following Monday. Somewhat of an easy way to adjust to being away from home by coming home on the weekends. When I told Pam about it, she was all excited for him and asked if she could have his address at camp. Of course I gave it to her and we had a long talk about what to do if Eddie was homesick. Well, Eddie was only at camp for 10 days and Pam sent him 2 cards and a package! She wanted him to know how much he was loved while he was at camp.
Since Nick left for Afghanistan last month, my dining room table has become a staging area to prepare my care packages for him. Candy, cookies, gum, chocolate bars, granola bars, cereal,etc.. I will try to send a package every few weeks. I know that if Pam were with us, she would be mailing something at least once a week(if not every day!). I want Nick to know that we are thinking of him and that we love him . I do this for our family and for Pammie.