Friday, January 30, 2009

Buttered Roll

Mommy loved Buttered Rolls. Aunt Meg used to comment about how you couldn't get a good buttered roll in Michigan, at least not as good as the ones we have in NY. They're always good. Despite the fact that my parents lived in the middle of nowhere, the deli in "town" made some kick ass buttered rolls. Even when mommy was sick, she could always muster up up enough strength to eat a buttered roll, even if only a few bites.

I stopped at a cart on my way to work to get a roll for breakfast. Skeptical, because it was not the usual cart I'd been going to for the past few years. Subsequently, i found out the roll cost $.25 more. Completely worth it, because this particular roll would have made mom 20 different kinds of happy. Butter, Roll, Perfection.

1 comment:

egc said...

You mom and I had that in common, a love of a good buttered roll! When I eat buttered rolls it reminds me of my dad, because we had fresh rolls from the bakery every Sunday morning with fried eggs. Yum Yum!

Aunt Eileen